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Roxbury Remote Assistance


Download Teamviewer

roxbury viewer
Step 1:
When prompted, save the file, and run it.
After a few moments, you will see the following window appear:

Step 2:
Let Roxbury know when you're ready to proceed, and we'll send a request to your computer.

Step 3:
A message will popup requesting permission to control your computer.

request permission

Click the 'Allow' button (the prompt will automatically close after ten seconds).

To finish the session, simply close the program. This will terminate the connection.
Alternatively, click the 'X' button on the control panel, usually found in the bottom right of your screen.

control tab

Please note that we can only offer remote assistance to a Windows/Mac/Linux computer with a working internet connection.

Our clients say...

The speed of response, attention to detail and general advice proved invaluable in allowing us to maintain our commitments and deliver to critical deadlines.
Graham Potts
F. Bamford Engineering

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